Inflow and Infiltration Affecting the Water Reclamation Facility #2 in Ocala, Florida
The Water Reclamation Facility #2
(WRF #2) of the city of Ocala, Florida, is receiving
high influent flows on heavy rain events. The
hypothesis is that stormwater inflow and infiltration
is coming into the sewer system and some possible
combined systems may still be in service. Since
September 2017, WRF #2 has received high influent
flows over the design capacity five times. Hurricane
Irma brought more than 10 inches of rainfall over 24
hours, the worst storm over the last three years. The
analysis includes registered rainfall, registered
flows on heavy rain events and design capacity of the
lift stations and the plant. The average sewer flows
can be correlated with the received flows during a
heavy rain event to confirm the possibility of an
inflow and infiltration situation. This correlation
showed that sewer flow received after heavy rain
events are greater than average, which confirmed
the inflow and infiltration hypothesis. Ocala has
started a smoke test project throughout the city, and
they have found numerous cases of it, including
combined systems. This project has been developed
understanding the existing conditions and analyzing
the best available data in order to identify possible
opportunities to minimize the incoming of the inflow
and infiltration into the sewer system to help the
Key Terms ⎯ combined system, infiltration,
inflow, water reclamation facility