• Increasing drivers’ performance in container delivery to reduce labor cost 

      Rubén A. Maldonado Lugo (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022)
      Waste Management Company (WM) in South Florida has a South Florida Container Shop site where drivers are dedicated to the delivery and collection of containers or equipment necessary for garbage collection or recycling, ...
    • Increasing the Available Soil Rotational Stiffness using Rammed Aggregate Piers for Wind Turbine Foundations Applications 

      Rodríguez, Juan Pablo (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2015)
      Wind turbine foundations must be designed to limit the angular rotation of the tower. Rammed Aggregate Piers (RAPs) are commonly used as a mean for increasing the available soil rotational stiffness by taking advantage ...
    • Increasing the Efficiency of Pitorro’s Production 

      Negrón Ginorio, Fernando (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2019)
      Puerto Rico has produced Rum since early ages and is part of its culture. But the rum making process has been an irregular one since the process has been passed through generations and the persons who make it don't really ...
    • Increasing the eficiency of Pitorro’s production 

      Negrón Ginorio, Fernando (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2018)
      Puerto Rico has produced Rum since early ages and is part of its culture. But the rum making process has been an irregular one since the process has been passed through generations and the persons who make it don’t ...
    • Increasing the Participation of Young Women in Cybersecurity 

      Berríos, Naileen (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2019)
      The gender disparity that affects cybersecurity is not new, but it is particularly discouraging for women, who represent only 11% of all cybersecurity professionals around the world. It is also reported that very few ...
    • Incrementando Ganancias en Corto Plazo 

      Meléndez, Karla A. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2019)
      Para este proyecto se escogió un problema actual en una compañía de consultoría de ingenieros. Basándose en las pérdidas de varios proyectos, se vieron en la obligación de buscar una solución al estancamiento de pérdidas ...
    • Incrementar la capacidad de producción manufacturera en el interruptor residencial auto Q una pulgada 

      Soto Poventud, Luis Daniel (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      Recientemente la compañía ABB adquirió la división de GE Industrial Solution con la misión de ganar una mayor participación en el mercado de las Américas. A inicios del tercer trimestre del año 2020 el volumen de producción ...
    • Incremento del proceso productivo, línea PMK1 en Edwards Lifesciences, Santo Domingo, R. D. Mediante las herramientas de Lean Manufacturing 

      Nieves, Erwin (Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, 2020)
      El objetivo de este proyecto fue investigar el proceso productivo o "productividad" de la línea PMK1, de Edwards Lifesciences en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, para proponer mejoras apropiadas con un alto impacto del ...
    • Incremento en Productividad del Manejo de Llamadas en la Industria Bancaria 

      De Jesús Sierra, Karla Z. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2014)
      El Centro de Llamadas del Banco a ser analizado durante el proyecto se divide en tres áreas para la cual cada una cuenta con un agente de servicio preparado con habilidades diferentes. El problema establecido, adicional ...
    • Industrial Engineering Facilities Planning: ABC Company 

      Quiñones, Sandra (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2000-12)
      The facilities planning's objective is to organize the facilities location to achieve the best flow of information in the company. Due to the increase in the demand of the products and services. ABC is required to expand ...
    • Industrial Espionage: The Cyberspace War 

      Rivera, Dimitrius F. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2014)
      As you may know, the World Wide Web has become an essential part of our everyday lives. Electronic communications, storage systems and computer networks in general have given us the freedom to do things we never thought ...
    • Industrial Plant Equipment Maintenance Strategy 

      Torres López, Abner (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      At Robins Air Force Base, specifically in the engineering equipment maintenance department, a problem has been identified in the management of labor. Equipment / machineries used in the production area suffer from high ...
    • Industry Safeguards and Standardized Process for Electrical Commissioning 

      García Torres, Solimar (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021)
      The main goal of this project was to develop a new process that would meet customer needs and help reduce human error by documenting a completed task. Early in 2021, Heatsinc ...
    • Inflow and Infiltration Affecting the Water Reclamation Facility #2 in Ocala, Florida 

      Colón, Héctor A. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      The Water Reclamation Facility #2 (WRF #2) of the city of Ocala, Florida, is receiving high influent flows on heavy rain events. The hypothesis is that stormwater inflow and infiltration is coming into the sewer system ...
    • Influence of Upper Limb Improvement in Post-Stroke Gait 

      Malavé Ortega, Madeleine (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022-10-13)
      Hemiplegic gait is a common consequence of a stroke affecting about 80% of the patients. The usual treatment tends to focus on analyzing just the affected lower body, neglecting the upper limb. This research is intended ...
    • Influencia de Áreas Verdes en los Valores Residenciales 

      López Nieves, Gil Marie (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2014)
      Cuando se hace referencia al valor de una propiedad residencial son muchos los factores que se puede considerar que influyen en este. Mucho se ha estudiado de la influencia de aspectos estructurales de la residencia ...
    • Influencia del discurso de Desarrollo sostenible como sostenibilidad débil para la transición a vehículos eléctricos de batería 

      Torres Morales, Edsel G. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022)
      El tema ambiental ha sido tema de enfoque por años desde la década del ’70 en el cual se ha tratado de ver como podemos combatir el consumo desmedido a raíz de una población creciente en un 1,200% para el 2021. El Plan ...
    • Informative Overview of Rainbow Hashes 

      Hornedo Martínez, Víctor (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022)
      This article gives an overview for rainbow tables and the results of testing rainbow tables according to the length of the chosen chain. The article presents a password cracking process that contains its own ...
    • Infraestructura para Reubicación de Residentes en Loíza, Puerto Rico 

      Agosto Mejías, Cristian J.; Blas Marrero, Dinysha J.; Castellón Gautier, Oscar R.; Mañón Angulo, Faustino; Méndez Robles, Erwin; Merced De Jesús, Gerardo; Rivera Ramírez, José M.; Rosado Rosado, Joarline
      En el Municipio de Loíza existen comunidades de mayor vulnerabilidad al desalojo por causa de la erosión de terreno, huracanes, tsunami e inundaciones. Se propone un proyecto que consistirá de la infraestructura para ...
    • Infraestructura reflexiva 

      Ramos, Stephen (School of Architecture, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2010)
      El proyecto del Metro, como tal, es un regreso a ios activos de bajo riesgo que asentaron las bases del éxito de Dubái y pretende recuperar Ia confianza de a comunidad crediticia internacional.