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dc.rights.licenseAll rights reserveden_US
dc.contributor.advisorCruzado Vélez, Héctor J.
dc.contributor.authorCardona Gonzalez, Jenniffer M.
dc.identifier.citationCardona Gonzalez, J. M. (2020). Reduction and mitigation of foreign matter observed in product ABC [Unpublished manuscript]. Graduate School, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico.en_US
dc.descriptionDesign Project Article for the Graduate Programs at Polytechnic University of Puerto Ricoen_US
dc.description.abstractDuring the past three years, a manufacturing company for medical devices on the west side of Puerto Rico has been in the need of evaluating and mitigating the causes behind an increase in complaint incidents reported due to foreign matter in product ABC. A PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) methodology cycle was used to accurately develop the plan for each phase of the project. Following root cause analysis techniques, it was found the possible root causes behind the defects were Method and Materials. A plan to mitigate this was sought out, and after feasibility analysis it was found that by implementing an ionizing air gun plus a particle trap system, the components were cleaned of foreign matter and its static charge was reduced mitigating the ability of the foreign material of returning to the components. With the effectiveness check a surveillance system will be determined to monitor complaints for a determined timeframe. Key Terms ⎯ Effectiveness Check, Feasibility Study, Relationship Matrix, Root Cause Analysis.en_US
dc.publisherPolytechnic University of Puerto Ricoen_US
dc.relation.haspartSan Juanen_US
dc.subject.lcshPolytechnic University of Puerto Rico--Graduate students--Researchen_US
dc.subject.lcshPolytechnic University of Puerto Rico--Subject headings--Unassigneden_US
dc.subject.lcshPolytechnic University of Puerto Rico--Graduate students--Postersen_US
dc.subject.lcshPolytechnic University of Puerto Rico--Graduate School--Master in Engineering Management degreeen_US
dc.titleReduction and mitigation of foreign matter observed in product ABCen_US
dc.rights.holderPolytechnic University of Puerto Rico, Graduate Schoolen_US

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    Articulos y Carteles de investigación (Poster): Ingeniería Gerencial (MEM) [San Juan, INTEC], Gerencia Ambiental (MEnvM) y Administración de Empresas (MBA)

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