El Yunque National Forest Welcome Center
Cardona Colón, Rafael
Díaz Rodríguez, Alberto
Fernández Pérez, Abner
Guzmán Esquerdo, Carlos
Oliver Torres, Fernando
Sampoll Martínez, Isamar
Zur LanganzeigeZusammenfassung
El Yunque National Forest Welcome Center is an auto-sustainable, LEED certified structure designed to provide free of charge forest information and to supply its visitors with basic amenities including a parking area with the capacity for a prolonged visit. The design also includes a transit terminal for visitors which also has the potential to serve as a terminal for a possible transportation system. The welcome center will be architecturally compatible to the existing visitor center, El Portal. The
admission charge station of El Portal will be relocated to the structure’s main entrance and its pedestrian bridge will be extended, allowing both facilities to work in harmony with each other.