Resuminer – A Résumé Recommender System for Job Seekers using Cluster Analysis
Resumes or curriculum vitae are an
essential requirement for job seekers in any industry
and are usually the first interactions with third
parties that are actively hiring. For a single person,
there is an infinite combination of résumés possible.
They can vary not only in style, but in the content and
the overall presentation. Resuminer is a system for
comparing and tracking résumés and their
performance against jobseekers. By tracking how a
third party interact online with a résumé, and by
gathering a large quantity of résumés, the system
can analyze new résumés as input and make
recommendations as to what elements can improve
the chances of getting a callback. The system will
assign “interaction points” with different values to
the various elements in a résumé.
Key Terms - Bag of Words, Clustering,
Corpus, Natural Language Processing (NLP).