Time Optimization of Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Method for Controlled Substances Analysis
An optimization of the gas
chromatography- mass spectrometry (GC-MS)
method was conducted by establishing a
temperature ramp of 150°C, held by 3 min and
raising at 12°C/min until reaching 300°C, which
from 25.00 min was reduced to 15.50 min the
analysis time and identified qualitatively the
Caffeine, Cocaine, Delta 9 THC, Oxycodone and
Heroin. A validation of the results was performed
to determine the precision, instrument detection
limit (IDL) and selectivity from six replicates
analysis. For the controlled substances
identification a 200 ppm QC-Standard Drug mix
solution was prepared. A low variability was
observed in the retention time of each compound.
Instead, the peaks area demonstrates a high
variability from the acceptance criteria of RSD,
especially the Oxycodone affecting the IDL results.
All the compounds showed a good resolution with
acceptance criteria of R<2, except Oxycodone.
Further measurements will be necessary to acquire
more tight values to the acceptances criteria.
Key Terms - Controlled substances, GC-MS,
Temperature, Validation